Monday, November 27, 2006


I had so much fun being with my friends and family. When I first got home, I went to a basketbal game by my house. My old high schoolwas playing and we won, 66-68. I know, we are pretty good. Then after that I went and shot pool with my boyfriend and my play brother and sister. The next day I went to the mall to go shopping because I was going to the club later on that night. I had so much fun there too. I wasn't as crowded as I thought it ws going to be either. Of course the next day was Thanksgving, i spent all day with my boyfriends mom and some of here family. The next day I went shopping again because of all the sales and stuff that was going on. Being a girl this day and age, you can never pass up a good sale, it's just impossible. On Saturday, I spent all day with my mom. We went to the movies and took pictures, and went to Olive Garden to go eat. I had alot of fun that day. Of course on Sunday, it was time to go back to San Marcos. So I spent as much time as I could with my mom justtalking and planning for or next trip back home. I hate to say it, but I'm ready to go back home again. We only hae like 2 weeks left of school, then its off back to home I go. I wonder how the next trip ios going to turn out. I jope as fun as the thi one was. But next time it's going to be a whole moth full of fun!!!!

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