Monday, November 06, 2006


My weeken is fixing to be a crazy week. I havea critique due tomorrow, and exam and wednesday, and a papaer due on thurdays. I have never had a weeke like this. This turns out akmost to be impossible. But I know it's real.. I mean what kind of human would wnat to do this to a college student. Don't they have any common sense to just give us a break. Well I kind of have to give credit because I did have a light week last week because I really didn't have anything to do but a paper, so I really should not complain, btu this is too much work. The only thing that I have next weeke is a math test. But that won't be all that bad, I just hate that I have all of things piled on me at one time. It's almost like cruel and unusual punishment. What did I ever do to deserve this. I did all of my work in high school and I made good grades. and on top of that, I was an athlete doing all of this. Again I ask, what kind of person would do this to a human being. But I guess this is what the real life is going to be like. Might as well get use to it. But other than the drama that I just told you, my days are going by. I can't complain. Oh, and just in case you were wondering how track is going, it's coming along pretty good. I can't complain about that either, except for all of the pain and torture that they put me through. So I guess thats it for the day. Holla!

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