Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

My Labor Day Weekend was so much fun. I went home onm friday and got home about 9:00. On friday I didnt do anything but watch my nephew for a few housr unitl he fell asleep. I spent most of the day yesterday with my boyfriend, my play brother and his girlfriend. We went to the movies to go see CRANK. The movie was so boring. I wish I could have gotten my money back. Me and my boyfrind got into a deep conversation about marriage and kids. It kind of scared me at first because I didnt think I was ready for that kind of commintment yet, being that I just started college and trying to adjust for being away from my family and friends. As the conversation continued, he made some valid points, but I still needed some more time to think about it and get my head clear. I spent part of Sunday with my mom before she got ready to go to work. Then I took my nephew over to my boyfriends house so I wouldn't be by myself. I chilled and watched SpongeBob. Thry are both some big kids(well my boyfriend and my nephew of course). I hated to have to come back home on Monday. I was having so much fun being around my friends and family. But all I know is when Thanksgiving comes around, oh you better believe that everything is fixing to be on and crackin'!

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