Thursday, September 07, 2006


The pain feels like it will never go away. From the tip of my back to the end of my quads. Every inch I step feels like someone has just taken their fist and slapped it right on the back of my leg. Practice today wasn't all that bad, we did a couple of 200's then we went to the weight room. I think thats when all the pain started. As I started to lift, I felt myself getting stronger and stronger, but my muscles were getting weaker and weaker. All I kept thinking to myself is "is this pain ever going to be over?". After practice, I felt the need to treat myself for making it another day through practice. I went to the LBJ to grab a pizza and some cinnamon sticks. I sat for a little while to talk to some of the track people, as time went by, my muscles tend to relax, but when it was time to go, they said no. I felt so stiff when I got up, I could barely walk straight. What is wrong with me? Have I outdone myself or is this just a stage of getting stronger?Hopefully it will all wear over because this, this is painful!!!!!

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

my sister ran hurdles (that's your event, right?). i used to run the 800 and mile relay. sounds like your hamstrings are tender, so take it easy. good work, though. i feel your pain, to quote a former president. keep posting, and get that blogroll up so you can respond to your classmates' blogs.