Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Practice Was Killer

I never thought that I would experience pain that this. Everything hurts except for my teeth and hair. Can you believe it. We had to run 5 laps , do hurdles drills, then run 5 laps again. Oh but thats not all. We also had to lift weights right after that. I was like are you serious? I could not believe that she was doing this to us. I felt like a juvenile deliquint at a boot camp. But now that it is over, I hope and my to God that we never ever have a hard work out like this. Because this was the pain killer of them all. I just got finish typing up my reflective essay for class tomorrow. I think it's pretty good. I mean it was based on true facts and how I was feeling at the time, so what wouldn't it be good. Also the paper was written by me so you know that it has to be the best paper that anybody at Texas State has ever read.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

i can't wait to read it and find out.