Monday, September 25, 2006

Not a Happy Camper

My English teacher was not happy with the class today. Almost half of the class didn't read the assigned reading, so we couldn't continue with the lesson for today. He said that put us a whole day behind. He was not very pleased about that. I kind of felt bad for the people that did read because now we have a day behind our schedule so that other people can play "cath-up". We are in college now, we should have be having to do this. It is out resposiblity as students to do our homework on time so thibgs like this don't happen. Now that we are a day behind, what is our schedue going to look like now? He said that we would be having a quiz next class to make sure that evrybody did their reading. I hope this quiz counts too because I didn't do very good on the firts quiz that we took. I'll admit to myslef, I didn't read the first time. But I hope that all of my class participation and blog entries count for it. I might it migh not, only he can be the jugde of that. But as the title of this blog says, my English teacher was not a "happy camper", and neither am I.

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