Sunday, September 24, 2006

Weekend With Mom

My weekend with my mom was amazing. The funny part about all of it is that we really didn't do anything. All we did was go out to eat, go to Wal-Mart, and watch TV in my room. The whole point I guess is that I wsa with my mom. I really didn't have to do anything, just to sit and talk to my mom face to face and not over the phone made my weekend the best weekend I have had at Texas State. She came up here around 1:00 o'clock and didnt leave unitl about 8:00 o'clock that night. She would have stayed longer, but she had to be at work and 12:00 o'clock the next day. Heck for all I know, she proabaly might have stayed the night. When we went to Chilli's, we had alot of fun. We kept flirtring with our waiter and he actually flitered back. He thought that my mom and I were sisters. All I could do was laugh. Alof of people say that my mom looks very young for her age, which she does, but to think that she was my sister was far beyond believable. My mom has raised toe boys and a girl, for most of her parentinf years and she still looks good ( When I learn how to put pictures on here, you will see what I am talking about). It's really not bad for a 46 year old woman is it? Yea, I know. My mom is coming back up her on October 7th for Parent Weekend and she will be back up here for Homecoming weekend. I have never seen a parent so involved in there college child's school years. Well obviously, they have never had a mom like my mommy. I LOVE YOU MOMMY! MUAH!!!!!

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