Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My First College Quiz

I never thought that a quiz would have me this nervous. All throughtout high school, I never had problems taking quizzes or tests, but now that it's college, it has me all up in a twist. Why? It's just a quiz. I guess because all of these things lead up to my future, its kind of like a math quiz depends on my future. I hate this feeling. Why is a simple quiz making my college experience a living hell. My roommate was studying for her Phsycology test yesterday for about 3 hours. She was making my neverous about my quiz tomorrow. I mean is this feeling normal? Am I suppose to be this neverous or should I just relax?

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

it's good to be a little bit nervous, but you should use that to motivate yourself to study and prepare. the more prepared you are, the less nervous you'll feel when you take the quiz. by and large you should be far more nervous about writing your essays for english... (: