Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Are You Ready For The Weekend?

This weekend is Parent Weekend and I'm so excited. My mom, my brothers, my grandmother, and my nephew are all coming down. I'm so excited and can't wait. I really want to see my nephew, he is only 2 years old and loves his "Aunite Toootie" to death. Everytime I go and pick him up, he always tend to glue to me and not my mom. My mom always questions it but I only know the reason why, and that' sbecause he loves me. I also love that my brothers are coming down too because we always act a fool together. We always crack jokes on people and they always make me laugh. I could not ask for better brothers than yhe brothers that I have now. But the one person that I want to see more than anybody is my grandmother. She means everything to me and if it wasn't for her, I never would have made it this far. She has always been the one to keep me going even when my om and I got into that real big fight that one time (not going into any details on that though). I have never met anybody in my life that has such a big heart and is such a caring person like my grandmother. No one will ever such an impact on my life as my grandmother has had on me. So I can't wait for this weekend, its can't get here any slower.

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