Monday, October 02, 2006


The club was amazing. The lights were amazing and the music was the bomb. I had never been to a club like this. Dress code was pretty strict, but it wasn't anything that you really couldn't wear besides do-rags and fitted hats. Me being the true diva that I am, I had to be the one to rock it hard. I had on my tan halter with some dark blue jean shorts and my brown and gold heels with a gold belt and earrings. I had my Vera Wang shades on my head(yea I bet you are wishing you can do it like me but yu can't). It was a certain group of boys that had their own little dance. My friends and I tried to cathc up on it, but itw as difficult. But when "Pop My Trunk" came on, we had the dnae foor all to ourselves. It was so live. Everybody was trying to do our dance, but didn't quite get it. Why you ask, because nobody can do it like we do it. Why you ask again, because there is nobody like me and my group of friends (also know as the R-O-C).

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

how's track going, by the way..?

we never got around to that quiz, maybe next time.