Monday, October 16, 2006

Not So Good!!!

This morning, I woke up not feeling too well. My nose is acting up nad i have a cough from hell. I believe it's the weather change down here that has me acting the way I am. This is really starting piss me off. One day am as good as a summer breeze, then the next day, I feel like a dying person. I took sme medicine hoping that it would make me feel better,but the only thing that it did was make me feel drowsy. Maybe I should have read the fine print that said "May cause drowsiness" before i took it, then maybe I would not be in the position that I'm in right now. I was t rying my hardest to cooperate in English class today. My nose was running partically the wholw time, then on top of that I had a Sociology test right after that. I could barely think right to take that. Hopefully I got a good grade on it considering that this was the first test that we took in that class. We haven't been turning anything in expect for classwork and that one thing that we turned in at the beginnng of the school year. I don't know how I'm going to act at practice today, and we also have time trials. This is going to be a very interesting day. I will tell you how it all turned out, hopefully not too bad. Or I'm praying not too bad.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

allergies are very nasty down here -- which is why i begged y'all to save your absences. i haven't been hit too hard yet, thank God.