Friday, October 06, 2006

San Antonio Trip

The weekend of the 21st, my boyfriend and I are going to San Antonio for a lilttle school vacation. I really don't know what we plan to do yet, but I know we are definitley going to Fiesta Texas. i have never been to any other Six Flags rather than what use to be AstroWorld. I'm just excited to see what it is going to be about. Iherad from a couple of my friends that they some of the best rides rather than all the other Six Flags. I also know that we plan to o to the River Walk that night. He said that he has something special planned for that night. I 'm so nervous, I don't know what it could be. We have been dating now for almost a year, my mom thinks that he could be aking me to marry him, but I don't know. If he is, how am I suppose to react. I've seen it done in movies and stuff,but never in real life. If he does ask me to marry him, I going to say yes right off the bat ( just in case you were wondering because I know you were). Its going to be kind of weird being engaged my freshmen year in college. I really don't plan to get married unitl after undergraduate, then I plan to have children after grad school. This is going to be an exciting trip. I seriously can't wait. I know I said I couldn't wait for Parent Weekend too,but I have too much going on in October and it all seems to be coming around the corner. Trust me, I'll inform you on details after it happenes.

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