Sunday, October 15, 2006

Weekend With CoCo

The trip was amazing. I have not seen my best friend in over a month and was more than happy when he came down for the weekend. We went to San Antonio for the weekend. The first thing we did when we got down there is go to some club with his friends. I had so much fun. We were dancing for half of the night. I was so tired when we got back to the hotel, I went straight t o sleep. I didn't even take a shower ( which sounds bad, but it wasn't as bad as it sounds). Then the next morning, we wen tto the mall and went shopping. I spent over $200 in the mall. Then after that, we went back to the room and got ready to go to dinner. We went to the RiverWalk and ate at Boudro's. He order a $20plate and didn't even eat it. He was so mad. Then we wnt to the Alamo and to the Gunniess Book store and made a wax hand. Afetr that we checked out and came back to San Marcos. I' so happy he came down, it just felt like old times having him out here with me. I miss mybest friend so much! LUV YA!

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